General English (Elementary to Upper-Intermediate)

Immerse yourself in language learning with ELICOS. Enhance English skills for academic, professional, and social success. Join VIT for a transformative language experience.

General English (Elementary to Upper-Intermediate) ELICOS
General English (Elementary to Upper-Intermediate) ELICOS

Student Type

Learning Mode


  • Melbourne
  • Sydney

Next intake:

  • Weekly


  • 52 Weeks


  • $14,300
Am I a Domestic or International Student?
You are considered a 'domestic' student for application purposes if: You are an Australian citizen; You are a New Zealand citizen (or dual citizenship holders of either Australia or New Zealand); You are an Australian permanent resident; You are an Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder. *If you don't hold one of the above visas or citizenships, you will apply as an international student.
Quality Education Since 1998

General English (Elementary to Upper-Intermediate)

The General English Courses (ELICOS) are intended to provide international students with the English language foundation and skills they need to function in social contexts in Australian society and to undertake further vocational courses. The programs focus on language used in everyday situations and provide a solid foundation in grammar, and the four main skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The courses integrate the modes of language – that is, listening, speaking, reading and writing to improve students’ understanding of the forms, features, and functions of language. Students will enhance their skills in analysing, responding to and composing a range of texts characteristic of those they will encounter in their social language interaction in Australia.
The courses will also assist students in their development and understanding of various strategies and styles of learning.

Students undertaking the course may also use the course to prepare for further study in Australia including in the Australian VET sector. Students can enroll into EAP Programs to prepare them for higher education entry requirements.

CRICOS Code: 098301K

Our campus locations


157-161 Gloucester Street, The Rocks, Sydney 2000


Level 14, 123 Queen Street

Level 6-10, 235 Queen Street

Level 6, 118 Queen Street


Level 1, 191 Ryrie St, Victoria 3220


Level 2, 112 Rundle Mall, South Australia 5000

14 Adam Street, Hindmarsh, South Australia 5007

Program Highlights

Discover the highlights of our comprehensive programs, designed to empower you with essential skills and knowledge.
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Immersive Language Learning

Experience immersive language learning with a focus on improving English proficiency for academic, professional, and social contexts.

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Experienced Instructors

Learn from expert instructors who provide personalized guidance to enhance communication skills and boost English fluency.

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Interactive Language Labs

Engage in interactive language labs to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing, reinforcing language skills effectively.

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Diverse Learning Community

Join a diverse community of learners from around the world, promoting cross-cultural experiences and enriching the learning journey.

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Flexible Study Options

Choose from flexible study options to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences, ensuring a convenient and accessible learning experience.

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Global Opportunities

Unlock a world of global opportunities by improving language proficiency, opening doors to academic, professional, and personal growth.

Open doors to opportunities around the world

Earn a degree that will elevate your international career prospects. Build a global network with students from many countries around the world.


Course structure

The course will be delivered in face-to-face mode on campus at Victorian Institute of Technology.

There are four levels of English available within the full program with Elementary and Pre-Intermediate for 12 weeks' duration and Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels for 10 week’s duration.

  1. Elementary
  2. Pre-Intermediate
  3. Intermediate
  4. Upper-Intermediate

The course timetable has scheduled classes for 20 hours per week. You are expected to take additional hours out of class contact hours to complete homework and practice your English skills.

Course Requirements


Course Assessments

The General English Courses (ELICOS) have assessment tasks built into the course that are on-going and cumulative during the program. The exams will be based on the content of the course and will test the four skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Classwork skills presented and practiced in the class are tested in the weekly assessment tasks so that students may achieve an independent level of skill achievement.

Every week, there will be a new Unit to study with a different topic. During each week, there will be 3 assessments:

  • Unit Progress Test: Grammar, Vocabulary and Functional language will be assessed.
  • Speaking Task: Your speaking skills will be assessed.
  • Writing Task Your writing skills will be assessed.

In the middle of the course, there will be Mid-Course test, which assess students’ progress on all skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. These assessments will inform teachers and students of areas of strength and weakness to then address in class.

The Formal End of level test occurs at end of the level. The assessment assesses students’ progress on all skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. It is based on the material studied throughout the level.

Grading System





Strong performance



Good Performance



Sound Performance



Limited Performance


Level Results

To pass the level, students will need to pass the End-of-level test with a minimum score of 60% for each skill of Reading Writing, Listening and Speaking. Students who achieve a grade that is within 10 percent range of a pass grade in one of the skills will be allowed to be considered for a re-test on that particular skill.

A student must complete at least 80% of weekly assessments and finish with a score of minimum 60% to be determined as having achieved all learning outcomes for that level. Otherwise, they will be determined as not having achieved learning outcomes for that level and will need to repeat the level.


General English - Elementary Level

Learning Materials:

  • Empower Elementary Student's Book 2nd Edition with eBook by Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Digital Workbook, Cambridge One Platform

Duration: 12 weeks

Contact hours per week: 20 hours face-to-face

Independent study recommended per week: 4 hours

Location: Level 10, 123 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000


To provide students with the general English language skills required to satisfy basic survival needs in the most commonly encountered situations, and to prepare students for entry to the Pre-Intermediate level ELICOS course at VIT.


To present and provide opportunities for practice in the language required enabling students to:

  • Communicate effectively using formulaic expressions for survival skills and everyday spoken language.
  • Introduction to structures and cultural context use of language.
  • Develop their skills in the four macroskills to the level sufficient for entry into General English Pre-Intermediate level.

Outcome - Elementary Level

Upon completion of the Elementary level students should be able to:


  • understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and culture.
  • understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life.
  • understand most of what people say about themselves in a personal ad or post and what they say they like in other people.


  • understand phrases and expressions related to areas of basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment.
  • follow in outline short, simple social exchanges.
  • understand and extract the essential information from short passages dealing with predictable everyday matters.
  • follow changes of topic of factual TV news items, and form an idea of the main content


  • produce a series of sentences about their family, living conditions, educational background, or present or most recent job.
  • describe activities, such as daily routine, outings, sports, hobbies, people and places, using basic, concrete vocabulary and simple sentences with simple connectives like “and”, “but” and “because”.
  • compose short, simple notes relating to matters in areas of immediate need


  • converse in simple language with peers, colleagues or members of a host family, asking questions and understanding answers relating to most routine matters.
  • express opinions in a limited way.
  • communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information.

General English – Pre-Intermediate Level

Learning Materials:

  • Empower Pre-Intermediate Student's Book 2nd Edition with eBook by Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Digital Workbook, Cambridge One Platform

Duration: 12 weeks

Contact hours per week: 20 hours face-to-face

Independent study recommended per week: 4 hours

Location: Level 10, 123 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000


To provide students with the general English language skills required to engage effectively in routine forms of social interaction, and to prepare students for entry to the Intermediate level ELICOS course at VIT, or a comparable course of study.


To present and provide opportunities for practice in the language required enabling students to:

  • Communicate effectively using a wide range of everyday spoken and written language, such as maintaining a conversation on a topic of general interest, writing a short informal letter on a topic of mutual interest, making plans and suggestions, and giving advice on simple procedures.
  • Develop their skills in the four macroskills to the level sufficient for entry into General English Intermediate level.

Outcome - Pre-Intermediate Level

Upon completion of the Pre-Intermediate level students should be able to:


  • read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to their field of interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension
  • understand most factual information that they are likely to come across on familiar subjects of interest
  • understand descriptions of places, events, explicitly expressed feelings and perspectives in narratives, guides and magazine articles that employ high frequency everyday language


  • understand the main points made on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure, etc., including short narratives
  • generally follow the main points of extended discussion around them
  • understand the main points and important details in stories and other narratives such as. a description of a holiday
  • follow many films in which visuals and action carry much of the storyline


  • compose basic emails/letters of a factual nature like to request information or to ask for and give confirmation
  • compose personal letters and notes asking for or conveying simple information of immediate relevance, getting across the point they feel to be important
  • produce straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within their field of interest


  • reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one of a variety of subjects within their field of interest
  • describe events, real or imagined.
  • enter unprepared into conversation on familiar topics of personal interest, life like family, hobbies, work, travel and current events
  • give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest
  • express beliefs, opinions and agreement and disagreement politely
  • find out and pass on straightforward factual information

General English - Intermediate Level

Learning Materials:

  • Empower Intermediate Student's Book 2nd Edition with eBook by Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Digital Workbook, Cambridge One Platform

Duration: 10 weeks

Contact hours per week: 20 hours face-to-face

Independent study recommended per week: 4 hours

Location: Classroom 10.7, Level 10, 123 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000


To provide students with the general English language skills required to engage effectively in more advanced forms of social interaction and to effectively negotiate meaning in more complex contexts, and to prepare students for entry to the VIT Upper-Intermediate level ELICOS course.


To present and provide opportunities for practice in the language required enabling students to:

  • Communicate effectively using a wide range of everyday spoken and written language, such as maintaining a conversation on a topic of general interest, writing a short informal letter on a topic of mutual interest, making plans and suggestions, and giving advice on simple procedures.
  • Develop their skills in the four macroskills to the level sufficient for entry into General English Upper-Intermediate level.

Outcome - Intermediate Level

Upon completion of the Intermediate level students should be able to:


  • read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to their field of interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension
  • scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts
  • understand short texts on subjects that are familiar or of current interest, in which people give their points of view, like critical contributions to an online discussion forum or readers’ letters to the editor


  • understand factual information about common everyday or job-related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details
  • follow much of everyday conversation and discussion
  • understand the information content of the majority of broadcast material on topics of personal interest
  • understand a large part of many TV programmes on topics of personal interest such as interviews, short lectures and news reports


  • produce connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within their field of interest
  • give a simple review of a film, book or TV programme
  • convey information and ideas on abstract as well as concrete topics, check information, and ask about or explain problems with reasonable precision
  • produce a text on a topical subject of personal interest to list advantages and disadvantages, and give and justify their opinion


  • communicate with some confidence on familiar routine and non-routine matters related to their interests and professional field
  • reasonably fluently sustain a description of one of a variety of subjects within their field of interest
  • clearly express feelings about something experienced and give reasons to explain those feelings
  • have relatively long conversations on subjects of common interest
  • express their thoughts about abstract or cultural topics such as music or films

General English – Upper - Intermediate Level

Learning Materials:

  • Empower Upper- Intermediate Student's Book 2nd Edition with eBook by Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Digital Workbook, Cambridge One Platform

Duration: 10 weeks

Contact hours per week: 20 hours face-to-face

Independent study recommended per week: 4 hours

Location: Level 10, 123 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000


To provide students with the general English skills to engage effectively in a broad range of social interactions and to prepare students for entry into the Vocational courses.


To present and provide opportunities for practice in the language required enabling students to:

  • Communicate effectively in a broad range of contexts of language interaction such as formal, informal academic and workplace registers. Have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the cultural dimension of contexts of language interaction.
  • Develop their skills in the four macroskills to the level sufficient for entry into VIT EAP Course or Vocational courses.

Outcomes - Upper - Intermediate Level

Upon completion of the Upper - Intermediate level students should be able to:


  • read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively
  • scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details
  • quickly identify the content and relevance of news items, articles and reports on a wide range of professional topics
  • understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which particular viewpoints are adopted


  • understand the main ideas of propositionally and linguistically complex discourse on both concrete and abstract topics
  • with some effort catch much of what is said around them
  • understand most documentaries and most other recorded or broadcast material, such as live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films


  • produce clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to their field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources
  • produce an essay or report which develops an argument, giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of various options
  • use formality and conventions appropriate to the context when writing personal and professional letters and emails.


  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and sustained relationships with users of the target language
  • give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples
  • engage in extended conversation on most general topics in a clearly participatory fashion, even in a noisy environment
  • plan what is to be said and the means to say it, considering the effect on the recipient(s).
  • highlight the personal significance of events and experiences, and account for and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments


Successful completion of the General English course at Upper-Intermediate level enables entry into the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Course.


Course entry requirements

18 years or older at commencement of course.

Students do not need any special requirement to enter the General English course. However, students will be assessed and placed in their appropriate class before commencement

There is no minimum academic requirement.

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Read the reviews of some of our students on their VIT experience

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Anisha Bhandari
BITS – Melbourne Campus

Initially, I wasn’t sure if it was a good opportunity compared to an internal project, but I’m glad I went with the internship because I had a wonderful experience. I was able to expand my knowledge, acquire useful work experience, and develop my professional relationship. Additionally, this internship enabled me to solidify my professional objectives and given me a greater grasp of the field I intend to work in after graduation.

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Ayesha Rizwan
BITS – Sydney Campus

I undertook an internship in my final year through VIT, and it proved to be an exquisite growth opportunity for me and my peers. During this internship, we were introduced to the industry and gained valuable experience while developing our client’s product. Communication skills, requirements handling, prototyping, product development, version control, team co-ordination are a few of the skills I attained, additionally it enabled us to develop new capabilities which would prove incredibly beneficial to my career.

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David Hudson

I am extremely satisfied with the quality of education offered by VIT's online MBA program. The courses are comprehensive and engaging, providing a well-rounded education. What sets VIT apart is its affordability; it's one of the most affordable options in Australia without compromising on excellence. The flexibility of the program has allowed me to balance work and studies effectively. Highly recommended!

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Elizabeth Pardede
Diploma of IT

I would like to take a moment to thank you, Mr. Sharif, for an incredibly insightful and informative lecture. Your passion for the subject matter was evident, and it made the lecture more engaging.

I especially appreciated how you took the time to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for me to understand the material. Your use of real-world examples also helped to solidify my understanding of the topics covered.

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Jackie Nakabira

VIT has a supportive learning team that keeps in contact with students at each and every step plus the academic staff are very supportive too. I am happy to have enrolled at VIT.

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Jingzhao Li
BITS – Melbourne Campus

"I want to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable support throughout this course. As I near its conclusion, I feel compelled to share my feedback.First and foremost, Sharif has proven to be an exceptional and knowledgeable teacher. He consistently made himself available to assist students and address our concerns. When I commenced this course with limited knowledge of the IT industry, he went above and beyond to provide me with the necessary guidance. Sharif patiently explained fundamental IT concepts, terminologies, and technical jargon.

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Kavya Madam
MITS - Melbourne Campus

"I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to attend the Programmable conference on March 28, 2023. It has enriched my understanding and insights in my field of study. Your continuous support and commitment to our education inspire us to succeed. I've attached my conference pass for your reference. Thank you once again for this invaluable experience, and I'm eager to continue utilizing the resources and support available at VIT to further my growth."

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Rahul Das Kathbaniya
Diploma of IT Networking – Adelaide Campus

"I deeply appreciate your extraordinary dedication to our online classes. Reflecting on my journey in the Diploma of Information Technology Networking course, I recall the initial challenges I encountered while grasping the material and completing assignments. However, your teaching prowess, interactive teaching style, and knack for making intricate topics engaging transformed my learning experience. Your commitment to fostering unity among students and your relentless pursuit of excellence distinguish you as an exceptional educator.

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Raojhi Bstt

Currently I am pursuing my MBA with the Victorian Institute of Technology as an offshore student. I am highly impressed and delighted with the lecturers, and the accessibility to the library and resources helps me to do my research and study effectively. I am very happy that I study with VIT.

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Sanket R Kadam

As a seasoned engineering professional in pursuit of enhanced proficiency in business analytics, I was drawn to VIT's online MBA program due to its comprehensive curriculum, flexible scheduling, and assessment approach. It is noteworthy to mention the personalized attention from the faculty, particularly how the professors engaged proactively ensuring clarity of modules through frequent communication and enriching insights. This bespoke academic engagement significantly enriched the learning experience. Based on the robust interactive and collaborative framework with peers within the program, I would endorse unequivocally VIT's online MBA to those who are seeking to augment their business acumen in a dynamic, supportive educational environment.

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